Born on February 27, 1971, in Singapore, she obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree (1995) and Master of Arts degree (1997) from UKM (National University of Malaysia). She earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2006). Several of her academic writings have been published in regional journals and magazines. Her latest books include Haruki Murakami dalam Kesusasteraan Melayu (Penerbit UKM, 2024), Kelestarian Persuratan Melayu (Penerbit UKM, 2023), Alam Sekitar dalam Novel (Penerbit UKM, 2022), and Narasi Musim Wabah: Antologi Cerpen Covid (Penerbit UKM, 2021). Her short story collections are Zel (1998), Montaj II (2002), Masitah (2007, 2009), Narasi Gua dan Raqim (ITBM, 2013, 2014), Dan Coklat Mengalir dari Ruang Buncah (DBP, 2015), and Narasi dari Tanah Selandia Baru dan Kisah Lainnya (DBP, 2021). She received the Utusan Melayu-Public Bank Literary Award @ Utusan-Exxon Mobil Literary Award, the Malaysian Prime Literary Award, and the Darul Takzim Literary Award. She is a recipient of the National Academic Award 2018 (Arts and Creativity) and the SEA Write Award 2018. She has served as a Visiting Professor at Universitas Negeri Jogjakarta, Indonesia (2020, 2024) and as a Visiting Writer of the Asia Creative Writing Program, Nanyang Technological University-National Arts Council of Singapore (2023). She is currently an Associate Professor and Head of the Malay Heritage Cluster (2020-2024), BITARA Melayu, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM; her specialization is in Comparative Literature and Creativity. She can be contacted at